
SEK Area Agency on Aging
1 W. Ash, PO Box J
Chanute, KS 66720

The Southeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging serves the counties of Allen, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson counties. The purpose of the agency is to:

* Determine the needs of the older persons of southeast Kansas.
* Develop a comprehensive plan satisfying those needs on a priority basis.
* Affirmatively change those conditions in which directly ot indirectly pose significant barriers to those persons who desire to live independently and with dignity in the community, and to participate in a full and meaningful way in community life.
* Include other purposes which may be deemed necessary on either a short or long term basis to fulfill the needs of the older persons in southeast Kansas.

The governing board of the agency is composed of two members from each of the nine counties. The board of members are appointed by, or have the approval of, the County Commissioners of the counties they represent, and serve for three year terms. At least 51% of the board members shall be 60 years of age or older. No providers of direct services, exclusively to older persons, or board members, administrators or employees of agencies providing any services to older persons, are eligible for board membership. For additional information, contact your local board member(s) ot the agency.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council advises the board of the Southeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging in the following areas:

* Assist in identifying the elderly in the Planning & Service Area.
* Review the needed services of the elderly in the Planning & Service Area.
* Encourage coordination between organizations providing services to the elderly whereby a comprehensive service delivery system for the elderly may be developed.
* Advise and make recommendations to the area agency on matters relating to the development and administration of the Area Plan and operations conducted there under.

The Advisory Council shall be made up of:

* More than 50% older persons, including minority individuals who are participants or who are eligible to participate in agency programs.
* Representatives of older persons.
* Representatives of health care provider organizations, including providers of veterans' health care (if appropriate.)
* Representatives of supportive services providers organizations.
* Persons with leadership experience in the private and voluntary sectors.
* Local elected officials and the general public.

Members are initially appointed to three year terms by the Chair of the SEK Area Council on Aging Governing Board. For additional information, contact your local member(s) or the agency.

Source: By-Laws, Southeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging, Inc., January 9,1990


Area Agency on Aging Board
Cindy Lane, Executive Director
1 W. Ash, PO Box J
Chanute KS 66720


